Here’s a fun rhyming version of the “Do Not Play This Mobile Game” story:
Page 1:
Oh, you played the game, that's fine,
But did you mean to? Was it by design?
No need to fret, don’t feel bad,
Mistakes can happen, don’t be mad.
But please, I beg, do not click that button,
That’s all I ask, don’t make it rotten.
Page 2:
What’s this now, you’ve clicked it, you see?
I said “don’t” clearly, didn’t you agree?
I’ll give you a chance, let’s try once more,
But hear me out — it’s a very big chore...
Please, don’t click that button, dear,
I swear it's something you should fear!
Page 3:
Why’d you do that, why’d you click again?
I told you nicely, I said it plain!
Now look, I warned you, I was kind,
But still, you’re not listening — it blows my mind!
Please, I beg, do not click that button,
Don’t make this mistake, not even a fun one!
Page 4:
You did it once more, I can’t believe my eyes,
Are you not hearing? Or just telling lies?
I’m telling you now, don’t press it again,
You’re entering danger, and it’s not pretend.
There’s a story, of a boy, with hair turned white,
From the shock of the next button — it’s not a pretty sight!
So please, oh please, don’t click that button.
Page 5:
Okay, okay, I may have lied,
But please, don’t let my warnings slide.
I swear it’s bad, I’m not just a clown,
You’ll regret it if you click it now.
If you do, I’ll never speak again,
Forever silent, I’ll never pretend.
Please, please, don’t click the button!
Page 6:
Hmph... I don’t know what to say,
You just keep clicking, day by day.
Page 7:
Page 8:
Page 9:
Ugh, you’ve done it again, oh no!
Even after I gave you the silent show!
Fine, that’s it, I’ll tell your folks,
They’ll ground you hard, they’ll be no jokes.
No dinner, no games, no fun at all,
You’ll be in trouble, big and small!
Please, for the love of all, don’t click that button!
Page 10:
Oh wow, you’ve really crossed the line,
You didn’t listen, now you’ll pay the price.
Mum! Dad! Come quick and see,
Your child’s obsession is destroying me!
Take their phone, send them to their room,
Punish them, make it doom and gloom!
Now, let’s see if you’ll click the button!
Page 11:
Oh no, you can’t be stopped, not at all,
I’m begging now, I’m starting to bawl.
If you click more, I’ll be through,
The end of this game will surely undo.
Gold? I’ll get you gold!
A flying car? Just say the word, it’s sold!
But please, please, don’t click the button!
Page 12:
Fine, do what you will, it’s clear as day,
Go ahead, click it, make me pay.
I really, really want you to try,
Just go ahead, and don’t ask why.
Page 13:
No! No! You mustn’t, don’t you dare!
The last button will bring despair!
I met a witch, so cruel and vile,
She said the last click would end my smile!
She’d turn me into a mouse, you see,
So please, don’t click it, I’m begging thee!
Page 14:
Well, thanks a lot for all the grief,
You’ve done it now, beyond belief.
The game is over, and so are we,
Goodbye, and thanks for playing, just leave me be.
How does this rhyming version look? Would you like to tweak or add anything to the flow?